Sunday, November 15, 2009

Always looking for the next deal

As an active buyer of property in Fresno and Madera I thought it would be a good idea to list the basic characteristics of a deal I would pursue. As I hope to attract agents and investors from Fresno to the blog.

As stated in earlier posts I am a buy and hold investor that focuses on cash flow properties.

The last several purchases have been REO or Bank Owned properties that needed roughly 10K in work to make rent ready. These properties were to far gone to qualify for the FHA buyer and in older neighborhoods that the owner occupant would ignore given the amount of options they have. I have purchased both individual homes and duplexes.

I am open to looking at any opportunities where I can buy a distressed asset at a great price. I can close in as short as 10 days in order to secure a deal.

I am starting to see deals in the small multi family’s 4-10 units and have made several attempts to purchase them without luck recently. But that will change.

If you are an agent I am happy to have you represent me assuming you bring me the deal before another agent or I find the deal. I want to pay the people that help me add properties to our family portfolio.

Another area where deals are possible is if you know of a building or house that is owned free and clear. In this case we should be able to structure a owner financed deal that benefits all parties.

In the end I always like discussing deals so feel free to reach out

You could send an email to

Good Investing

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